【同义词辨析】 2017-12-15 想法idea-concept

idea: applies to mental image or formulation of something seen or known or imagined, OR to pure abstraction, an assumption, OR something vaguely sensed: a head filled with innovative ~.

concept: applies to idea formed after considering instances of a category, or more broadly, to any widely accepted idea of what a thing ought to be: a society with no ~ of private property.

conception: interchangeable with concept, stress the process of formulating and imaging, and may apply to a more individual or peculiar rather than a widely held one: a writer's ~ of the situation.

thought: suggests the result of reflecting, reasoning, meditating, rather than imaging: commit your ~ on paper.

notion: suggests an idea not much resolved by analysis or reflection, and may suggest the tentative, capricious, or accidental: the oddest ~ fly in and out of her head.  (resolve解决: 如问题麻烦等,原意是分离,solve溶解,solution溶液)

impression: applies to idea or notion resulting immediately from external stimulation: the first ~ is of soaring height.

idea想法: 泛指想法(可以是图景构想抽象假设隐约感觉),concept概念: 考虑所有个体后形成的想法(所以叫"概"念)广为接受的想法,conception也是概念: 强调构思想象的过程,通常指孤立特有的概念,而非广泛使用的概念,thought思想: 指分析推理沉思的结果,而非想象,notion想法: 尝试性偶然任性的想法,可能没有分析反思,impression印象: 直接源自外部刺激的想法。

记忆方法: 1) 首字母记忆,ICCTNI想象成I have ConCept, I have NoTion. 我有概念我有想法。                        

          2)想法的意思是头脑中的表现形式mean what exists in the mind as a representation or formulation. (representation代表表现formulation形成形式)